Who, Not How Mantra — Decoding 30 Leadership Concepts in 30 Days

Anurag Jain
Published in
3 min readNov 17, 2021


Concept 4/30 — Supercharge Your Leadership Skills with Learnings distilled from 100s of CEOs Globally! 🚀

WHO NOT HOW Leadership Concept by Anurag Jain
Source — Created by Author on Canva Pro (Image by DNY59)

One of the important things to remember as a Leader is that Momentum in our business is very important, and I have seen many smart entrepreneurs fail because of micromanagement of business. They try to do everything in their business, and in the process, spread themselves too thin.

The secret concoction to succeed as a leader is to identify the WHOs for your business!

As a leader, it’s also important to understand the concept of Opportunity Cost, which is the benefit or value of something that must be given up to achieve something else. It is the decision we face every step in our journey and the moment we can free ourselves from the shackles of doing everything ourselves, and effectively delegate - It can not only free our time but also skyrocket our success.

Additionally, Procrastination is the unfortunate by-product of asking ‘How’ instead of ‘Who?’ Most of the time, when you’re procrastinating, you’re saying to yourself, this goal is amazing. Still, you don’t move forward, and getting the right ‘Who’ can be your answer to build velocity in execution.

This brings me to book Who Not How, By Dan Sullivan and Benjamin Hardy, which has had a profound impact on my life, and I would recommend this read if you want to boost the success of your business while leading a more fulfilling life.

There are 4 core concepts in this book, which I found of great value:

  1. Expand Impact — If you want to get more done, consider the people that can help you instead of worrying about the best way to do it.
  2. Expand Time — You will have more time to find the right people to help you reach your goals.
  3. Expand Relationships — Once you start delegating, collaborating, and using more strategic partners, you’ll often find mentors to work with who will help you get to the next level.
  4. Expand Boundaries — You can imagine new goals and make them happen because you’ll have more confidence and a bigger vision.

“Every time you apply Who Not How by imagining a new goal and getting Whos to work toward it, you will improve your time, increase your income, expand your relationships, and deepen your purpose. Who Not How is the answer.” — Benjamin Hardy

In summary, to excel and reach a higher level of performance as a Leader, replace asking “How can I do this?” with the question “Who can we get to do this for us?”

I hope this article got you curious about this very critical Leadership Concept of Who Not How.

Today is just Day 4 of Exploring 30 Leadership Concepts in 30 Days. Stay tuned for a lot of exciting stuff on Leadership, and bring out the best version of yourself. 🚀

You can check out the Leadership Concepts shared till now on the below link:

Do comment 💭 to let me know your feedback on this Leadership Mini-Series of 30 Days, and I promise to respond to your feedback and questions. 🙏



Anurag Jain

Digital Expert | Leadership Coach | International Business Leader | Million Dollar Startups Creator | Travel Enthusiast www.digicrusader.com